Monday, June 22, 2009

Aaah, budgeting...

This budget stuff is challenging. I knew it would be. Why else would I have avoided it for 9 years? Now, I've always been a bargain hunter; that comes from my Mom. I get a high when I come across an amazing sale, bogo offer, etc... I feel smart. I've fought the system! Stuck it to the man! I've come to realize there are many generics that are just as good (and sometimes better) than name brands. I've also come to realize, unfortunately, that there are a few items it's just best not to compromise on... either get the good stuff, or go without. Tomatoes, for one. I'd rather spend the $2 a lb. on the greenhouse ones than 79 cents on those huge, hard, grainy pink ones that belong on fast food hamburgers. Another product I now know I can't compromise on are hot dogs.
What? you laugh. Hot dogs? All they are is (to quote an old classmate) 'regurgitated pig parts'. Slap some mustard on 'em, and there you go. A hot dog's a hot dog! But no! If you like hot dogs enough to buy them, and you've never had a Hebrew National... well, you have no clue what you've been missing! They are wonderful. They are all Kosher beef. Blessed by Rabbi's or something. Heavenly. Divine, I say! And they cost anywhere from twice to five times as much as most other brands. About the same as a pound of lean ground beef. So I told myself, hey, I can cut back here. I'll buy cheap hot dogs for a while. Got some turkey ones; less fat and less expensive. I took one bite... and wanted to run screaming, throwing the offending morsel as far from myself and my family as possible.
I now have a choice to make. Good hot dogs, or NO hot dogs. Bottom line. As God is my witness, I'll never buy cheap hot dogs again!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Shaving heads, check... drinking Kool-Aid, check...

Don't worry, we haven't joined a cult. Well, not a bad one, anyway. We just started our Total Money Makeover with Dave Ramsey. Kyle bought said book a few months ago, and he thumbed through it a bit, and I just avoided it alltogether. Then I started reading it.
:::Sidenote::: Those who know me understand it's a miracle if I read for Book Club each month, and I'm doing good if I got halfway through it. At this point in my life, my lack of reading truly is due to lack of time. But I didn't enjoy reading until my late 20's (thank you J.K. Rowling, my own personal Annie Sullivan in that respect) There, I said it. I was reigning Cliff Notes Queen from 7th grade to HS graduation. So sue me.
Back to "Uncle Dave"... I'm devouring said book, and can't wait to go medieval on our debt! If you want to look into it, go to his website, and look for the Financial Reality Check, and try out the Gazelle Budget Lite (a basic, quick-and-dirty free budgeting tool).
I know the Church has always warned us about debt. The problem is, once you realize how badly you're in the middle of it, it feels pretty hopeless. Faith and prayer will point you in the right direction, no doubt. Then you have to ACT. We're finally at that point, and it's scary, depressing... and yet exciting and hopeful, too. Join me! Shave your head! Drink the Kool-Aid!