You know when you really need a moment to yourself? When Daddy's out of town, and you can hear the dog eating your picky son's dinner off the table, and the kids are watching something you really don't like on Cartoon Network, and the house looks like a tornado hit, and you still say to yourself, "I don't care... I want a little 'me' time RIGHT NOW anyway," ? That's where I am right now.
I want to be organized. Desperately. This is something I've struggled with since childhood. I see my friends' cute, neat, clean homes, and I come home to mine... and I want to cry! And don't tell me about FlyLady. I've tried it. She is a wonderful woman, very smart, funny, sweet, and has certainly helped tons of people... but I am a three-time FlyLady flunkie!! I go and shine my sink. And it stays nice for a few days. And then the next thing I know...

Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration. But you get it. There are too many things that NEED to be done RIGHT NOW for me to feel good about my shiny sink. I know it didn't get this way overnight, and it can't totally change as fast. I think I just get disappointed in how little time & energy I have to devote to this, and then I throw in the towel. Could it be that I'm an OCD slob? Maybe since I've written this down for my friends to see, I'll feel accountable & newly motivated and make the changes I need to!
Well, at least I read scriptures every day. I really do. To the point that if I consider missing a night, I'm so uncomfortable that I have to. At least one chapter. I am grateful to have that bit of peace in my life each day. I guess that shows I am capable of forming good habits, because that's something I used to struggle with, too. I suppose there's a...
I think I wrote this.
ReplyDeleteReally. Every word of it.